Jersey Folia


Folia – das ist Lebensfreude, gepackt in ein Radtrikot. Wörtlich übersetzt bedeutet “Folia” Ausgelassenheit und bezeichnet das Gefühl, wenn Menschen zusammenkommen und gemeinsam feiern, Spaß haben und das Leben genießen. Genau das spiegelt sich im farbenfrohen, von verspielten Details durchzogenen Design des Künstlers Loro Verz aus Brasilien wider.


  • Made from 100% recycled base material (recycled PET)
  • fast-drying, bi-elastic fabric on body and sleeves for perfect fit
  • three back pockets, one with a hidden zipper pocket
  • silicone strip at back to keep jersey where it belongs

Size Chart

Anti-boring cycling wear,
made for everybody.

by artists
in Vienna
30 days
EAN: 9180012841745 Categories: , ,



Loro Verz

Main Profession:

Painter and illustrator

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What was the inspiration behind this design?

The funky colors of the Tropics. People’s cheerfulness. The sunset and the sea. Good humor and the joyful approach to life. The happy accidents. The experiences and people we haven’t met yet. The mistery of the Universe. None of the above.

What does cycling mean to you?

Cycling is a way of thinking. It gives you life choices while the wind blows on your face. You must choose your own way. You learn cycling only by cycling. You must be persistent. If you stop cycling, you fall down. You gotta be brave. Just keep going and enjoy the ride and the view. You must relax. Destination is not important. You must lose yourself. Freedom makes you breathless. You must do nothing but keep cycling. Never stop.

Your best cycling experience?

I was living in London when I asked a friend -“Shall we go to Barcelona?’ He liked the ideia straight away and replied that he would look for plane tickets. I told him that we should go by bike. He asked if I was crazy. I replied ‘Yes’ with a weird grim on my face. It took us 30 days to cross France and a bit of Spain before arriving in Barcelona. We slept in tents in the middle of fields. We met amazing people and visited fantastic places. This bike trip was a life changing experience. So many things went wrong, that is the reason why it was an incredible experience. Never plan anything, just go with it!